Join us to dialogue, celebrate and nourish relationships to champion equitable racial and gender representation.

Legendary Exhibition
Spark the conversation in your community
The Legendary Exhibition brings the profiles of brilliant women in STEM into an accessible, public space. With rich visual components, youth of color can especially see themselves reflected within these fields.
Learn from Legendary Women
The Legendary Celebration gathers a panel of local women in STEM in a live, interactive setting for an evening of formal and informal discussion and networking. Our panels advance the conversation on gender and racial equity in STEM and generate tangible actions that can transform these industries in your community.

Learning Through Legendary
Introducing the next generation of STEM legends to trailblazer in the field.
This initiative connects partnering organizations with schools state-wide. Partners organize the purchase of Legendary card collections, and R/C delivers them to schools with accompanying educational materials. Educators can then incorporate these stories into classroom learning and introduce students to the stories of brilliant women in STEM.